Telnet Nyan Cat with background audio

Nyan Cat, also known as Pop-Tart cat is the big Youtube meme of 2011, spawning many parodies and rip offs.

A bright young fellow by the name of Kevin Lange created a terminal version of Nyan Cat that can be viewed through telnet. You can read more about that at

Below is a command for playing this "Terminal Cat" with audio within the same command and exiting at the end of the song, if you can even call it an end.

Playing with audio stream from the Nyan Cat video

In order to run this, you'll need the latest version of the youtube-dl program and mplayer.

( youtube-dl -q -o- | mplayer -really-quiet -vo null -cache 500 - ; echo $'\035quit';reset ) | telnet

Yes, that's right, that subshell is piping into telnet. :-) Mostly for auto-quiting at the end of the song. Thanks to _kcsj_ for this great idea.

Playing MIDI file Nyan Cat

Instead of streaming the original audio, you might fancy playing the MIDI file for the Nyan Cat song instead. Get that file here. You'll want to install the Timidity++ program to play the MIDI file. Or install it through your OS's package management system.

( timidity nyan_cat.mid ; echo $'\035quit';reset ) | telnet

telnet vs. netcat

You might think that netcat is the best program for use viewing this, especially because of the "cat" name, however you'll notice that if you use it that your colors will be a bit different. This is because you can't specify a terminal type with netcat like you can with telnet, so you won't get the full 256 colors.

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Created: 2011-12-03

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